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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November 2016


Another month gone by and soon it’ll be Christmas, warm weather has already arrived most days being about 30C this week to reach a top of 40C+. We’ve had little rain, plenty storms about but most have skirted around us at this stage.
The month has been great with all sorts going on. Progress on the out door setting (table) is slow but it progresses. Lets just saw I have s sore point and sitting is very uncomfortable.
We headed off to Helidon for an Celtic Festival on 7th Nov just a small event. Returned via Laidley, Grandchester, Rosewood.
November is Jacaranda time the scent and blooms fill the air and carpets of purple on the ground below.
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The Bandmaster an uncanny resemblance to a very good mate Peter Whitehorn.
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I can’t help it I love vehicles of all sorts just a few coaches from the day how far the bodies have changed from when I built them back in the 70’s.
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First video for the month

Helidon Celtic Festival

Laidley for lunch some interesting buildings and sights.
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These two churches above stand out in stark contrast.
Below the War Memorial Park area
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Then came the Supermoon I should have used a tripod.
Planting vegies under the New Moon has produced some fine crops of clumped tomato, lettuce we thought had perished thrived, Chilli plant has doubled in size, Sweet Potato Zucchini, Cucumber, Rock Melon, Lemon beginning to flower. Mango, Pineapple and Locate thriving it will be  at least 3 to 5 years before we get fruit from those and the six Lilli Pilli.
I’ll add more photos must be on the other camera and not downloaded yet.
p1100214 p1100064 p1100065 These Chilli were struggling in the pot Sue planted them where they sat but transferred them to the new bed and they doubled in size.
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p1100266 p1100267 p1100268 p1100269 p1100270 Looking up the fence line where the Lilli Pilli are planted most not even 8″ tall yet.
Below my Fig and Bonsai loving the new environment.
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I am not sure if Max’s contribution to the Mango tree will improve the taste any I know it works for Lemons.
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The floor loom has been set up and the weave has begun.
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Two Advent Calendar for the Grand Children
Sue’s little market scores the three century old African stone drop spindles a special find.
A visit from Alan from Sydney with gifts from Neil yet again while Alan picked up some Stained Glass panels I had purchased for him.
In the package from Neil more bearing slider rails steel bars pulleys an assortment of bits. One of Neil’s home made live centre spur drives .
p1100164 p1100168 p1100169 p1100170 p1100173 A selection of Blackwood and Red Gum off cuts.
My market finds this month a Stanley No78 Duplex Plane in the box, a Stanley Spoke Shave, Moore & Write Protractor and a V-block clamp.
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A highlight this month was to take a trip over to Runaway Bay and meet up with Chris and Gilli Dicker and see West Wind I their vessel. Chris is one of Peggy Dicker’s sons Peggy being one of the Fairfield Spinners who recently past away.
Chris and Gilli were heading south from Cairns to Tasmania for the Bat Festival in February. Chris has re-built West Wind I an amazing story on its own.

Chris had brought me some Huon Pine and nice Black Log.


A shopping trip to Hare & Forbes Coopers Plains a big difference in store to Sydney. Only bought a few essentials new dusty hose and angle vice. Some excellent displays.

Yesterday 29th Nov after the house had been sprayed for bugs etc we took a drive and did part of the Bremer River walk.
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