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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Double Weave Two Blankets

It is a little over twelve months since beginning the Double Weave Blanket project in May 2018 the long process of warping, threading and tying it all. Then finally around June making a start at weaving it.

Somewhere in January 2019 I started on the second blanket.

Note how dark it is above, this was in January.

Then after having the new LED lights installed right and below.

Above you can see how close I am as the back beam is showing the end of the warp.

Right is the first of the last yellow strips.

The end of the blankets.

The remained was used as far as I could go to continue the double weave which will become possibly cushion covers or bags.

Pen Is Mightier

The words often spoken "The Pen is Mightier Than The Sword" as I grew up then little did I know I'd make as many as I have since making my first.

I do recall at school looking into the history of the writing instrument I am of an age where chalk and slate were my first, moving onto pencil through years of ink and ink wells to the Biro. I struggle to hold any writing instrument these days ad scrawl a signature is about best I can do.

New kits hit the market almost daily just as much as Pen kit suppliers who seem to come and go also. This makes it difficult to maintain a good supplier and constant kit styles or parts no matter how big or small they are. Yes there are those kits which have been around for some years bet even they have changes made.  Often instructions can make it very frustrating either poorly written, organised or so long winded yet with bits left out.

I am fascinated by the artistry which goes into designing a kit the engineering behind it all, basically there is a cartridge of ink be that ballpoint or fountain pen. From there designing the exterior is much the same as designing anything really.

One day I may just have to see what design I can produce myself.

Until then I guess it means admiring others work.

These are the latest creations, I have to say thanks to Tony from Perfect Pens & Pencils for many of these kits. Tony sadly decided to reduce his stock due to so many taking up selling kits at prices he could not compete with. 

Thanks also to Ian Welford in Yorkshire UK for the years we have been swapping pen blanks with Alan Flett being courier between. Finally being able to use some of the fine English timbers on some exceptional kits.

Since making these Pristina Fountain Pens back in 2018  I thought it time to make Pristina Rollerball. Like a Biro but they use a Ceramic ball with much softer feel on the ball.

I made one out of QLD Red Gum to compliment and make a matched set of Fountain and Rollerball (centre pen below).
Frome left to right English Elm Burl, English Black Walnut, QLD Red Gum, English Yew, English Spalted Holly.
QLD Cross Cut Red Gum
QLD Cross cut Red Gum

English Spalted Holly
English Yew

English Elm Burl

English Black Walnut

Having made the Dragon Inkle Loom these three Dragons Blood kits seemed appropriate.

Antique Copper with Spalted Mackay Flame Cedar, Brass with acrylic Green Orange and Yellow Crush and Pewter with White Ice Acrylic which the brass tube was painted Blue giving the effect it has.

Antique Copper, Mackay Spalted Flame Cedar. Right the Crown of Dragon's Blood.

Antique Brass with Acrylic Crush.

 Antique Pewter White Frosting Acrylic
Two Gold Tactical Bolt Action Click pens with English Ash can come with a Stylus for use on Tablet or iPad etc or with simple Gold top..

These Knarly Knurly Twist Top Pens are weighty and solid two Gold one with English Lignum Vitae from an old Bowls Ball. The second Huon Pine Burl. The Gun metal Black has Spalted Holly.
 The unusual twist top to bring the nib out unlike most twist which use the nib area to do so.

The unique grain and timbers of all highlights what timbers the world round can produce.

I have over the years made any Bolt Action Pens mostly using Acrylics or Australian timbers I  had. That was until Ted Mitchel gave me some Antler had I not had the opportunity to use such a unique material. Many say they odour when turning Antler is very pungent, I didn't find it so in fact very mild indeed.

Three Elegant Beauties this was a play with some additional to the main timber on both Huon Pine and a Bloodwood Waste wood. The fourth was a re-do on my personal pen as the waste wood blank had begun to separate after a number of heavy meetings with the floor. 

The European Filigree was chosen as I had for some time two Tru-Stone Turquoise blanks which suited the Silver Filigree. The true Island Ebony to be fitted with the third  Silver kit as seen to left and below.

The Tru-Stone is a resin acrylic not actual stone but the weight of the blanks gives the feel and impression it could be.

The Green Dragon acrylic with Black Gun Metal  stands out.


Also using the Black Gun Metal Filigree on two English timbers from Ian. Photo on right first at left is Laburnum, centre is Black Walnut, third is the True Island Ebony.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

May Through to Early August

Winter in Queensland has not been the total cause of slackness on my part even tho today 8th August is overcast and cool so yes in doors and finally updating our blog.

Over the last few months I've been going through trials and tribulations in getting onto NDIS Nationnal Disability Insurance Scheme a support funding avenue to all things for all sorts/forms of needs for people with disabilities. I started this in March, funding granted in June but meetings after meetings after meetings longest being 3 hours. Finally on track sort of yes it not over yet!! The funding is granted for a 12 month period but they do not take into account the time taken for all these meetings and interviews so almost 3 months down the track and I am still awaiting an Occupational Therapist Report for a wheelchair, bathroom alterations, and other minor clearance.

Mean while I struggle with my shoulder which is healing and I am able to use more each week.

Project wise I have been clearing the benches one at a time, when shoulder and above meetings/interviews have not hindered.

Hammer Handles for one of the QMAC fellows Ray Hunt with we have become friends with and his wife Charli.
Ray had scored the Hammer heads some with dodgy handles some without at bargain prices.

Old above were cleaned up by Ray while I made new handles.

A quick Flyer alteration for Demaris  so she could fill a bobbin completely, the bobbin had been rubbing on the orifice end and far to close at the opposite end.

 Sue has been baking some fresh potato bread and a pumpkin and herb, also a Pizza pull apart.

Yet another baking session baked Pumpkin, Date Rolls, Apple Strudel and Cheese Strudel, boiled lollies cookies and more bread.

Sue brought home two looms from the Spinners & Weavers group to re warp and set up and design the pattern up.

Sue knitted up ten beanies for Alice Springs Bennie Festival.
The Owl took a bit longer than most.

I got my rib warmer vest just as winter chill came it is really nice an warm Alpaca and Merino.

 The Dragon's Return.
Judith found she required a longer adjustment to the Inkle Loom I had made so a 2nd slot and adjustment was added.

Over the last few years a fellow in Yorkkshire Uk and I have been swapping pen blank timbers Ian sending me that which doesn't grow in Australia and visa versa. Ian like myself is into other timber work as well as Model Engineering.We don't snail mail these as my good friend Alan Flett plays courier usually.
However our new neighbour Lyn was heading across he oceans to see family and she took over and mailed up from London 2kg of blanks for Ian. Ian had mailed down to Lyn's son a box of goodies for me. A book on wood turning, a Record No45 plough plane with blades all in excellent condition he'd scored this when helping an old friend sell off gear due to dementia. As well as a few Yew pen blanks. Plus a 20 tooth Myford ML7 gear I had been chasing.

I scored via Graham Wilson from QMAC a nice pair of these medical clamps I can use for small fiddly items I am working with.

For some time I had been going to make a box to store all/both Dremel and Taurus tools and bits in. Aldi had a sale of an artist box I got Sue to get me 3 in all, the other two housing my pen making gear and my Microplane & body file tools.

Yesterday I sorted out much of the Dremel box fitting a heavy duty foam for the bits into it, fitting a far better lift handle for the top tray (Sue's idea) good use of packing tape.
I will make and fit a retainer for the two Dremel extension shafts latter.

Well thats it for now, until next time and new installment.