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Monday, October 30, 2017

Special Order Ferrule & Handle

Good friend Alan got in touch after his return from the UK regarding a tool problem to see if I could make a Brass Ferrule and turn a handle to suit. Couldn't really say no could I? after all he had played courier of pen blanks to another pen turner in Yorkshire (above). Of course he did bring some nice blanks from Ian back for me also (right).

Onto the matter of brass fittings.
Seems Alan had purchased a Fret Saw which is not cheap all but the ferrule and handle that is. It is/was poorly fitted and a much needed replacement required. One is available from as low as $85 not cheap?

A design by Alan for both handle and ferrule came into my inbox, I had the material on hand and so it began. The arrival of Alan's choice of timber, Sheoak. It turned to specs sanded to 400 and Macadamia oil to seal it.

Left is the original cheap fitted handle and ferrule.

Right Alan's drawing for his handle.

After drilling the bore to size I machined the handle end to size, it needs to be a press fit. It may require a securing screw latter on.
Reversing the brass to machining the required frame slot was done using the Myford vertical milling attachment setting the cutter to centre. This takes the longest using the tool I have, a better milling cutter is required although it proved to do the job. I put a chamfer on all edges and shaped the shoulder.

Today Alan received the parcel containing the parts and emailed these photos of his fitting them all together.

Thanks Alan for the challenge, it was nice to work in both metal and wood.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Jet Mini Lathe Re-furb

 While Sue was busy with the garden other than supervise I was slowly digging out the Jet Mini VS lathe from its storage box. Dismantled all the parts so a full re-spray could be done. It had been packed into a Gal tool box back in March 2016 a light spray of WD40 wrapped in rags for protection during the move. It was bought in 2006 so had seen a lot of work and was looking rather untidy, no amount of cleaning would remove finish stains without removing some of what I believe to have been lead based paint. Every time no matter what as used it would come up with a grey residue.

Bearings and belt were still good so were re-used.

I have yet to contact Jet Australia for new Decals.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Dry & Brown to Lush & Geen

Over four months very little rain not enough to fill a thimble, Sue has had to water to keep alive the plants we had. As for the lawn she attacked it every other day to remove weeds, bindi and cover to the point on area of the back yard was bare.

Throughout late August and September much work was done. The two raised garden beds were extended with left over panels making a small square one. Pot, plants, seedlings 2 cube of garden soil and Sue took to renovating and landscaping both front and back yard and gardens. Two weeks after she was done (two weeks ago that is) we got our first light rain falls enough to turn grass green instead of brown and bring new life to all plants.

Left the Wisteria which has never bloomed in over 20yrs sharing its pot with Camomile Daisy and its new pot.

Right my attempt at twisting three Ornamental Figs its and its new pot it was root bound and in need of a larger pot. 

 Below new Wisteria which had blooms on it when got it in the Figs old pot.

My Bonsai are loving the change 

The 2 cube of top soil Sue spread and moved about half went into the garden beds in the back yard.
 Digging the trench these were the days we were having 30+C temps so she was only doing half days over a week.

Little bit of landscaping four long pots partly buried along the path edge to create a wall and garden barrier to retain the soil during wet weather. The green pot has Curry plant.

Begonia, Dill more Camomile Daisy in the pots.

Sue has been using four of these recycle tubs for various plantings.

Below the extended raised beds majority re-planted from what was in the shorter beds at this point plus some seedlings. Aunty Barb's Pommie Granite given as a present is doing excellent.

 The four left over panels from extending the other two beds made a neat little square. Planted straight away were Blue Berry bush in the middle, Pinnapple, Strawberries.

In the above photos you can see how the lawn was looking and it was worse prior the rain. Two weeks of light showers and drizzle gave a much needed soaking. Everything took off.

 New seedlings ready to be planted and some Mint.
 An sms to Corey who does our lawns and it soon look far better.


 Passion Fruit and Tomato.

The front garden had the Bottle Brush removed during the dry and Roses, Azalea and Gardenia took their place. 

 The Rose Sue is weeding around was almost lost due to a fungus.